The devastating earthquakes that hit 10 different provinces in Turkiye have put the prospects of the youth in the region at grave risk. 21% of Turkiye’s population aged 0-17 and 10% of all university students in Turkiye are from the affected region.
The future of young earthquake victims should not remain under rubble and providing them with the means to continue their education is the most valuable gift we can give them.
Join hands with TEV UK to help clear the way to a promising future they all deserve.
The funds we raise will be directed towards the following objectives in cooperation with Turkish Education Foundation (TR):
TEV has already provided one month of support to students (~£60) who had applied for scholarships for the 2022-23 academic year but were rejected due to capacity constraints. Now, with your contributions, TEV UK will extend further support to these students for another four months.
TEV UK would like to support students from the affected region with scholarships during their 4+4 high school and university years. The current total cost of supporting a student through these 8 years is ~£5,700.
3- 1000 LAPTOPS
Like all other belongings, laptops have also been left under the rubble. Students need laptops to continue their education online. A basic laptop costing around £425 can provide a student with the opportunity to join online classes.
If you would like to donate to one of the specific causes listed above, please visit our webpage https://tev.org.uk/ to choose your cause and donate towards it in a way that fits your means the best.
Alternatively, you can simply donate to our Eduquake fund on our Justgiving page https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/tevuk-eduquake-fund and leave the allocation of your donation to one of these causes to us.
We would like to extend a big thank you to you all from the bottom of our hearts.